Milcu Powder: My Genie in a Bottle!

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Okay. Let's face it. Body odor can be really embarrassing. As an athlete, I mostly spend my time outdoors. I can't help sweat a lot especially if we train during the hotter days. Sweating is the body's natural process to regulate one's temperature. When your sweat meets with the bacteria present in your skin, this leads to body odor. It may also be caused by improper hygiene practices and lifestyle. This may be a turn-off for someone who finds you interesting.

I do practice proper hygiene and wash my clothes with anti-bacterial laundry soap but I could not understand why is it so hard to get rid off it. I tried using several deodorants to manage both excessive sweating and body odor. Rexona smelled so good but it made my underarms dark and my white uniform yellow which was so impossible to fix. So, I switched to Nivea roll-on and used it for a long time. I didn't have any problems until I noticed that after some time, the good smell started to mix with bad odor. That was then I realized that bacteria can be transferred to the deodorant due to consistent contact. So I needed a good deo that is in powder form and would control sweating and body odor. 

My classmates told me that they used Milcu powder for their feet. They found it really effective in controlling both sweat and odor. I searched about it online and found out that it was a 2-1 deodorant powder that can be used for both your feet and your underarms. So I went for it and it cost me about 50 pesos. How cheap is that?! 

After using it for one week, I noticed superb results! It controlled my sweating and my armpits didn't smell. I bought one for my sister and she tried it on herself as well. Her feet didn't sweat a lot and it even smelled so clean. I love Milcu powder and it is very much safe to use on skin. 

Milcu is an all natural deodorant that was made to effectively stop body odor. Since it is in powder form, it won't give you the sticky feeling that you get on some deodorants when applied on your underarms. It contains Potassium Alum, commonly known as Tawas crystals, which has antibacterial properties to eliminate bacteria that causes odor. It's molecular structure is too big to pass into the body and would therefore not clog your pores. The body is able to naturally detoxify through sweating but without associated odor.

Based on the label, Milcu powder is:

  • All Natural
  • Mild
  • Non-sticky
  • Non-darkening
  • Does not stain fabric
  • Provides all day protection
  • Controls excessive perspiration
  • Prevents body odor without clogging pores. 
From my experiences with Milcu powder, I could say that the labels did not lie and said nothing but the truth. I am never changing back to my previous deodorants with their harmful chemicals.

For those looking for the right deo, I think Milcu powder is the one for you too! I think this is my genie in a bottle. You can check out the Milcu website to learn more about the deo. 

Here is the link:
